Imperfections on the surface of your skin, such as fine lines, age spots, and dark patches, give you an unhealthy appearance. With the SP Dynamis laser skin resurfacing treatments at Starsiak Aesthetics, you can correct these problems. This laser is a fantastic addition to the anti-aging industry, providing excellent results for wrinkle and stretch mark reduction and reducing the appearance of melasma, surgical scars, acne scars, sun damage, and more. Best of all, this treatment requires minimal downtime, no hospitals, and no anesthesia! Connect with our Indianapolis team today to learn more!
What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Skin resurfacing with the SP Dynamis uses laser energy to penetrate below the skin’s surface and initiate tissue remodeling. This results in skin tightening, smoothed out wrinkles, and renewed scar healing with minimal discomfort. Topical skincare products (prescription and over-the-counter) cannot compete with the proven results obtained with SP Dynamis Besides providing immediate post-treatment benefits, skin resurfacing also promotes collagen production over time. After your treatment, your skin will gradually repair itself, and younger, healthier skin will replace the damaged areas.

What Does The SP Dynamis Laser Address?
The SP Dynamis Laser Resurfacing treatment reduces wrinkles, stretch marks, and scarring (including scarring from acne). This versatile laser allows us to treat color imperfections, such as:
- Fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck, and chest
- Skin firming
- Acne and acne scarring
- Sun damage with discoloration
- Safe laser hair removal for darker skins
- Superficial veins
- Pigmented dark spots
- Skin tags
- Scar revision
What Results Can I Expect?
Your Laser Skin Resurfacing session may cause some mild swelling, redness, and darkening of the skin. These side effects typically subside shortly after the treatment. Once your skin is healed, you will notice a visible improvement in its smoothness, texture, and color. In most cases, a series of 3-4 sessions conducted at our Indianapolis office are recommended to achieve the best results.
Experience Laser Skin Resurfacing in Indianapolis Today!
Visit Starsiak Aesthetics today to discover all the SP Dynamis Laser Skin Resurfacing benefits. Whether you’ve noticed some wrinkles on your face or have been struggling with skin imperfections for most of your life, we can help. Connect with our Indianapolis team by filling out the form below, or call us today at (317) 410-9978 for a consultation.